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The Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid with Toric Lenses | Blue Planet Optics

Whether you're a seasoned toric lens wearer or a newcomer, knowing the pitfalls to avoid can transform your experience from frustrating to flawless.

*Toric and astigmatism are used interchangeably in this article.

toric lenses

1. Neglecting Regular Eye Exams for Toric Lenses

One of toric lens wearers' most common mistakes is not attending regular eye exams. It's tempting to skip these appointments if everything seems fine, but your eye's shape can change, affecting how your lenses fit. Regular check-ups ensure your prescription is up-to-date and your lenses provide optimal vision correction.

Side Note: Do you drive at night often? Do you see those pesky lines around tail lights and traffic lights? Regular eye exams can help with this! Your eye doctor can recommend the best lenses to help your astigmatism and assist with everyday driving tasks at night.

2. Improper Handling and Insertion

Improperly handling and inserting toric lenses can lead to discomfort and possible harm to the lens. Before touching your lenses, make sure your hands are clean and dry. It is crucial to gently insert them to avoid tearing or misplacing them, as toric lenses work best when positioned accurately on your eye to correct astigmatism.

3. Skipping Lens Cleaning

Skipping lens cleaning is like inviting trouble. Protein deposits, dirt, and bacteria can build up on your lenses, leading to discomfort and potential infections. Clean your toric lenses daily with the prescribed solution, and never use tap water, as it contains microorganisms that can harm your eyes.

4. Ignoring Toric Lens Replacement Schedules

Wearing your toric lenses beyond their replacement schedule is a gamble with your eye health. Over time, lenses can degrade and become less effective at correcting vision. Adhering to the recommended replacement schedule prevents problems and keeps your eyes healthy.

5. Wearing Contacts Overnight

Leaving toric lenses in overnight, even if labeled for extended wear, increases the risk of eye infections and irritation. Your eyes need to breathe; depriving them of oxygen can lead to complications. Unless expressly advised by your eye care professional, remove your lenses before sleeping.

6. Neglecting Eye Hygiene

Good eye hygiene is crucial when wearing toric lenses. Not washing your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses or exposing them to water while swimming or showering can lead to eye infections. Always prioritize hygiene to keep your eyes safe and healthy.

7. Using Expired or Damaged Lenses

Using expired or damaged lenses is a mistake that can have serious ramifications for your eye health. Always inspect your lenses before inserting them and replace any that are damaged. Using lenses beyond their expiry date can also lead to discomfort and eye problems.

8. Not Consulting an Eye Care Specialist When Issues Arise

Finally, not seeking advice from an eye care specialist when experiencing discomfort or vision changes with toric lenses can lead to more significant problems. Your eye care professional can provide solutions and adjustments to make your vision correction comfortable and practical.

9. The Dangers of Decorative Contact Lenses Without a Prescription

Wearing a costume or decorative contact lenses without a valid prescription is extremely risky. Health authorities do not regulate these lenses, and they may not fit your eyes properly, leading to potential eye infections, scratches, or even vision loss.

Contact lenses sold without a prescription are ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS. Always consult an eye care professional before purchasing or wearing contact lenses.

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